College of Agriculture and Bioresources

All Faculty and Staff

Picture of  Yongfeng Ai

Yongfeng Ai
Associate Professor

Ministry of Agriculture Endowed Research Chair in Carbohydrate Quality and Utilization

Picture of  Robert (Bob) Baker

Robert (Bob) Baker
Professor Emeritus, Plant Sciences

Picture of  Sabine Banniza

Sabine Banniza

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Pulse Crop Pathology

Picture of  Aaron Beattie

Aaron Beattie
Associate Professor

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Barley and Oat Breeding and Genetics

Picture of  Bill Biligetu

Bill Biligetu
Associate Professor

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Forage Crop Breeding

Picture of  Teresa Binetruy

Teresa Binetruy
General Manager, Livestock and Forage Centre of Excellence

Scott Bishoff
Interim Manager, Canadian Feed Research Centre

Picture of  Robert H. (Bob) Bors

Robert H. (Bob) Bors FRCPC
Assistant Professor (Retired as of June 30, 2024)

Picture of  Maryse Bourgault

Maryse Bourgault
Assistant Professor

Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) Integrated Agronomy Research Chair

Picture of  Jennifer Brown

Jennifer Brown
Adjunct Professor

Department of Animal and Poultry Science

Picture of Fiona C. Buchanan

Fiona C. Buchanan
Professor Emerita, Animal and Poultry Science

Picture of  Mary Buhr

Mary Buhr
Professor Emerita, Animal and Poultry Science

Picture of Adam Carter

Adam Carter MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in CWRS Wheat, Specialty Wheats, and Canaryseed Breeding and Genetics

Picture of Ravindra (Ravi) N. Chibbar

Ravindra (Ravi) N. Chibbar CCFP
Professor Emeritus, Plant Sciences

Picture of Henry L. Classen

Henry L. Classen
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Animal and Poultry Science

Picture of  Trever Crowe

Trever Crowe
Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies) and Associate Member

Picture of Joel Ens

Joel Ens
Sessional Lecturer and Micro-credential Developer

Picture of  Richard E. Farrell

Richard E. Farrell

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Soil Biological Processes

Picture of Jordie Gagnon

Jordie Gagnon
Senior Strategic Officer, Indigenous Programs and Partnerships

Picture of  Gloria J. Gingera

Gloria J. Gingera
Departmental Assistant-Communications, Plant Sciences/Crop Development Centre

Picture of Richard S. Gray

Richard S. Gray
Professor (on sabbatical leave July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)

Canadian Grain Policy Research Chair
Board of Directors Canadian Agricultural Policy Institute

Debbie Harelkin
Graduate Program Assistant, Plant Sciences

Picture of  Ann Harley

Ann Harley
Graduate Program Assistant, Food and Bioproduct Sciences, Soil Science

Picture of  Vern Harms

Vern Harms
Professor Emeritus, Plant Sciences

Picture of  Hayley Hesseln

Hayley Hesseln
Department Head (Agricultural and Resource Economics) and Associate Professor

Picture of  F. A. (Rick) Holm

F. A. (Rick) Holm
Professor Emeritus, Plant Sciences

Picture of Pierre J. Hucl

Pierre J. Hucl

"As of July 1 , 2023, I have transitioned to a half-time faculty appointment and will not be supervising Graduate Students henceforth".

Picture of  Geoff Hughes

Geoff Hughes
Professor Emeritus, Plant Scienecs

Picture of  Mike Ingledew

Mike Ingledew
Professor Emeritus, Food and Bioproduct Sciences

Dr. Ingledew retired and moved in 2006 and is no longer able to train graduate students.

Picture of William A. (Bill) Kerr

William A. (Bill) Kerr
Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Resource Economics

Picture of  Leon Kochian

Leon Kochian

Canada Excellence Research Chair in Global Food Security
Associate Director, Global Institute for Food Security

Picture of  H. Randy Kutcher

H. Randy Kutcher

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Cereal and Flax Crop Pathology

Picture of  Herbert (Bart) Lardner

Herbert (Bart) Lardner

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program Chair in Cow-Calf and Forage Systems

Picture of Matthew Links

Matthew Links
Assistant Porfessor (on sabbatical leave July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025)

Picture of Nicholas Low

Nicholas Low
Professor Emeritus, Food and Bioproduct Sciences

Picture of  Edgar Martinez

Edgar Martinez
Coordinator, Bioprocessing Pilot Plant

Tim McAllister
Adjunct Professor

Department of Animal and Poultry Science

Picture of Bryan Mood

Bryan Mood
Lecturer and Renewable Resource Management Program Coordinator

Timothy Mutsvangwa
Department Head (Animal and Poultry Science) and Professor

Picture of David Natcher

David Natcher

Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics

Picture of  Rex Newkirk

Rex Newkirk
Associate Professor

Ministry of Agriculture Endowed Research Chair in Feed Processing Technology

Picture of  Michael Nickerson

Michael Nickerson

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Protein Quality and Utilization

Picture of  M. Rose Olfert

M. Rose Olfert
Professor Emerita, Agricultural and Resource Economics

Jay Olyniuk
Manager, Rayner Dairy Research and Teaching Facility (on leave)

Picture of  Gregory Penner

Gregory Penner

U of S Centennial Enhancement Chair in Ruminant Nutritional Physiology

Picture of  Candice  Pete-Cardoso

Candice Pete-Cardoso
Director, kihci-okâwîmâw askiy Knowledge Centre

Picture of Curtis J. Pozniak

Curtis J. Pozniak
Professor and Director, Crop Development Centre

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Durum and High-Yield Wheat Breeding and Genetics

Picture of Sean Prager

Sean Prager
Associate Professor (on sabatical leave from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024)

Picture of Martin Reaney

Martin Reaney

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Lipid Quality and Utilization

Picture of  Jim Romo

Jim Romo
Professor Emeritus, Plant Sciences

Picture of  Brian Rossnagel

Brian Rossnagel
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Plant Sciences

Picture of  Gordon G. Rowland

Gordon G. Rowland
Professor Emeritus, Plant Sciences

Picture of  Robert Roy

Robert Roy
Associate Professor and Academic Advisor

Resource Economics and Policy

Picture of Jeff Schoenau

Jeff Schoenau

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Soil Nutrient Management

Picture of Graham J. Scoles

Graham J. Scoles
Professor Emeritus, Plant Sciences

Picture of Steven Siciliano

Steven Siciliano

NSERC/FCL Industrial Research Chair in In Situ Remediation and Risk Assessment
Director, CREATE Human and Ecological Risk Assessment Program

Picture of  Peter Slade

Peter Slade
Associate Professor

Canadian Canola Growers Association Agricultural Policy Chair

Gary Storey
Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Resource Economics

Picture of Karen Tanino

Karen Tanino PhD
Professor (Sabbatical Leave from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024)

Picture of  Bunyamin Tar'an

Bunyamin Tar'an

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Chickpea and Flax Breeding and Genetics

Picture of  Robert T. (Bob) Tyler

Robert T. (Bob) Tyler
Professor Emeritus, Food and Bioproduct Sciences

Picture of Albert Vandenberg

Albert Vandenberg
Professor Emeritus, Plant Sciences

Picture of  Ken C.J. Van Rees

Ken C.J. Van Rees
Professor Emeritus, Soil Science

Director, Centre for Northern Agroforestry and Afforestation

Picture of Ana Vargas

Ana Vargas
Assistant Professor

Agri-Food Innovation Fund Chair, Lentil and Faba Bean

Picture of  Vladimir Vujanovic

Vladimir Vujanovic
Professor Emeritus, Food and Bioproduct Sciences

Picture of  Fran L. Walley

Fran L. Walley
Professor Emerita, Soil Science

Picture of Kaidi Wang

Kaidi Wang
Assistant Professor (Starting September 1, 2024)

Agriculture and Agri-Food Innovation Chair in Applied Microbiology

Picture of Tom Warkentin

Tom Warkentin

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Pulse Crop Breeding and Genetics

Picture of  Christian Willenborg

Christian Willenborg MSc, PhD
Department Head (Plant Sciences) and Professor

I am not seeking new graduate students at this time. Thank you.

Picture of  Tom Yates

Tom Yates
Associate Dean (Academic) and Associate Professor

Picture of Peiqiang Yu

Peiqiang Yu

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRC) Chair in Feed Research and Development

Melissa Zink
Graduate Program Assistant, Animal and Poultry Science, Agricultural and Resource Economics