Jill E. Hobbs
Distinguished Professor- Address
- 3E68 - Agriculture Building
Research Area(s)
- Food policy
- Supply chains
- Consumer behaviour
Brief Biography
Dr. Jill E. Hobbs is a Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Saskatchewan. Her research interests encompass food policy, supply chain economics and consumer behaviour in agri-food markets. She is a Fellow of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society.
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Research Interests
My research encompasses agri-food supply chains, consumer behaviour, and food policy. This has included work on supply chain resilience, traceability, consumer trust, consumer attitudes towards novel food products and technologies, and the international regulation of gene-edited agri-foods.
- Ph.D. (Agricultural Economics), University of Aberdeen, UK
- M.A. (Economics), University of Calgary
- B.Sc. (Economics), Aberystwyth University, UK
Selected Publications
Clark, L.F. and J.E. Hobbs. (forthcoming) International Regulation of Gene Editing Technologies in Crops: Current Status and Future Trends. SpringerBriefs in Environmental Science, Springer Nature. ISBN: 978-3-031-63916-
Yang, Y., J.E. Hobbs, M. Fulmes, and S. Smyth. (2024). Signaling sustainability: Do Canadian consumers prefer broad or narrow food sustainability labels? Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics http://doi.org/10.1111/cjag.12366
Hobbs, J.E. and. J. Hadachek. (2024). The economics of supply chain resilience. Annual Review of Resource Economicshttps://www.annualreviews.org/content/journals/10.1146/annurev-resource-100423-095119
Holt, D., P. Slade, and J.E. Hobbs. (2024). Do consumers care about clean labels? Willingness to pay for simple ingredient lists and front-of-package labels on beef and plant-based burgers. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics72(1):5-21 http://doi.org/10.1111/cjag.12346
Yang, Y., J.E. Hobbs and D. Natcher. (2023). Consumer trust in Arctic foods certification. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 26(4): 763-778 https://doi.org/10.22434/IFAMR2022.0111
Hobbs, J.E., S. Khorana, S., and M.T. Yeung. (2023). Moving beyond Least Developed Country status: Challenges of diversifying Bangladesh’s seafood exports. Aquaculture Economics & Management 27(3):498-522.. https://doi.org/10.1080/13657305.2022.2162624
Clark, L.F., J.E. Hobbs, M. Adde, C. Henry. (2023). Promising pulses: Interventions and constraints in chickpea supply chains in Ethiopia. Canadian Journal of Development Studies 44(2): 312-331https://doi.org/10.1080/02255189.2022.2090320
Poizat A., S. Duvaleix, and J.E. Hobbs. (2022). How does transaction governance in the animal supply chain influence the reduction of antibiotic use? A study of the French young bull sector. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 44(4): 1890-1908. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13262
Roosen, J. and J.E. Hobbs (Eds). (2022). A Modern Guide to Food Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham: UK, pp361. ISBN: 978 1 80037 204 7.
Hobbs. J.E. (2021). Food supply chain resilience and the COVID-19 pandemic: What have we learned? Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 69(2):189-196
Selected Awards
Distinguished Professor, University of Saskatchewan, 2024
Fellow of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, June 2017
Top Cited Article and Top Downloaded Article Awards 2021-22 from Wiley Publishing for the paper “Food supply chain resilience and the COVID-19 pandemic: What have we learned?” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 69:189-496. https://doi.org/10.1111/cjag.12279
Top Cited Article 2019-2020 Award, Wiley Publishing for the paper Hobbs, J.E. (2020) “Food supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic”, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(2): 171-176 http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cjag.12237
Winner, Publication of Enduring Quality Award (2019) from the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society
Winner, Publication of Enduring Quality Award (2016) from the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society
Past and Current Funding Sources
Genome Canada (2023-27) Bio-inoculants for the promotion of nutrient use efficiency and crop resiliency in Canadian Agriculture (BENEFIT) (co-applicant)
Genome Canada (2023-27) Developing climate-resilient, low carbon footprint field pea as a preferred rotation crop through interdisciplinary integration of genomic technologies (PEACE) (co-applicant)
Genome Canada (2023-27) Activating genomics to accelerate climate-smart crop delivery (ACTIVATE) (co-applicant)
Mitacs (2023) Quantifying the economic impact of re-branding (PI)
Govt. of Saskatchewan (2019-24) P-Protein ‘Omics Determination (P-Pod) (co-applicant)
Genome Canada (2019-24) 4D wheat: Diversity, discovery, design, and delivery (co-applicant)
NSERC CREATE (2019-25). Canadian Agri-Food Protein Training, Utilization, and Research Enhancement(co-investigator)
AREC 348.3 – Food Economics and Consumer Behaviour
AREC 440.3 – Agricultural Marketing Systems
AREC 840.3 – Economics of Agri-Food Marketing