College of Agriculture and Bioresources

Research Area(s)

  • Urban Agriculture
  • Landscape Design
  • Ornamental Plants
  • Horticultural Entrepreneurship
  • Plant Breeding
  • Greenhouse Production


Plant Sciences

Other Affiliations/positions

Canadian Seed Growers Association: Recognized Plant Breeder


M.Sc., University of Saskatchewan, Department of Plant Science

B.Sc., University of Saskatchewan, College of Agriculture and Bioresources

Selected Recent Publications

Elessawy, F.M., Hughes, J., Khazaei, H. et al. A comparative metabolomics investigation of flavonoid variation in faba bean flowers. Metabolomics 19, 52 (2023).

Hughes J., Khazaei H., and Vandenberg A. 2020. The Study of Genetics of Flower Color in Faba Bean Reveals Generous Diversity to Be Used in the Horticulture Industry. HortScience. in press. Doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI15238-20

Hughes J., Khazaei H., and Vandenberg A. 2020. Genetics of Height and Branching in Faba Bean (Vicia faba). Agronomy 10(8): 1191. Doi: 10.3390/agronomy10081191

Khazaei H., Purves R., Hughes J., Link W., O’Sullivan D., Schulman A., Bjöensdotter E., Flores F., Nadzieja M., Andersen S., Stougaard J., Vandenberg A., Stoddard F. 2019. Eliminating vicine and convicine, the main anti-nutritional factors restricting faba bean usage. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 91, 549-556.