Henry L. Classen
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Animal and Poultry Science- Address
- 4C84, Agriculture Building
Research Area(s)
- Poultry nutrition
- Poultry management and welfare
Animal and Poultry Science
Not accepting graduate student or post-doctoral fellow applications.
Research Interests
My nutritional research focuses on feed ingredients (nutritional value, anti-nutritional factors and processing) and feeding programs, and current projects are examining the rate and extent of starch and protein digestion in broilers, laying hens and turkeys with emphasis on bird health.
- Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, U.S.A.
- M.Sc., University of Massachusetts, U.S.A.
- B.S.A., University of Saskatchewan
Selected Publications
H.L. Classen, J. Apajalahti, B. Svihus, and M. Choct. 2016. The Role of the Crop in Poultry Production. World’s Poultry Science Journal 72:459–472.
H.L. Classen. 2016. Diet Energy and Feed Intake in Chickens. Animal and Feed Science Technology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2016.03.004.
K. Schwean-Lardner, C.B. Annett-Christianson, J. Rajendram and H.L. Classen. 2016. Does Age of Hot-blade Trimming Impact the Performance and Welfare of 2 Strains of White Leghorn Hens? Journal of Applied Poultry Research 25: 547-560.
M.L. Leis, M.U. Dodd, G. Starrak, C.J. Vermette, S. Gomis, B.S. Bauer, L.S. Sandmeyer, K. Schwean-Lardner, H.L. Classen and B.H. Grahn. 2016. Effect of Prolonged Photoperiod on Ocular Tissues of Domestic Turkeys. Veterinary Ophthalmology 1–10, http://dx.doi10.1111/vop.12395.
K. Schwean-Lardner, C.J. Vermette, M.L. Leis and H.L. Classen. 2016. Basing Turkey Lighting Programs on Broiler Research: A Good Idea? A Comparison of 18 Daylength Effects on Broiler and Turkey Welfare. Animals 27, http://dx.doi:10.3390/ani6050027.
C. Vermette, K. Schwean-Lardner, S. Gomis, B.H. Grahn, T.G. Crowe and H.L. Classen. 2016. The Impact of Graded Levels of Day Length on Turkey Health and Behavior to 18 Weeks of Age. Poultry Science 95:1223-1237.
C. Vermette, K. Schwean-Lardner, S. Gomis, T.G. Crowe and H.L. Classen. 2016. The Impact of Graded Levels of Day Length on Turkey Productivity to Eighteen Weeks of Age. Poultry Science 95:985-996.
J.E. Fulton, A.R. Lund, A.M. McCarron, K.N. Pinegar, D.R. Korver, H.L. Classen, S. Aggrey, C. Utterbach, N.B. Anthony and M.E. Berres. 2016. MHC Variability in Heritage Breeds of Chickens. Poultry Science 95:393-399.
S.G. Johannson, C. Raginski, K. Schwean-Lardner and H.L. Classen. 2016. Providing Laying Hens in Group-housed Enriched Cages with Access to Barley Silage Reduces Aggressive and Feather-pecking Behaviour. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 96:161-171.