Angela K. Bedard-Haughn
Dean and Professor- Address
- 2D30 - Agriculture Building
Research Area(s)
- Applied pedology
- Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics
- Wetland soils
- Digital soil mapping
- Soil information management
Soil Science, College Administration
Research Interests
The foundation of my research program is how land use and climate changes affect – and are affected by – soil properties and processes, with emphasis on carbon and nitrogen dynamics and wetland soils. Through this work, I have found that high-quality, high-resolution soil information is essential to contextualize, scale-up, and model field and laboratory work, so my research team has a strong focus in digital soil mapping (DSM) and soil information management.
- Ph.D., University of California, Davis, U.S.A.
- M.Sc., University of Saskatchewan
- B.Sc., University of Saskatchewan
Selected Publications
Chizen, C.J., Helgason, B.L., Weiseth, B., Dhillon, G.S., Baulch, H.M., Schoenau, J.J. and Bedard-Haughn, A.K., 2024. Soil carbon dynamics in drained prairie pothole wetlands. Frontiers in Environmental Science 12: 1353802.
Sorenson, P.T., Kiss, J. and Bedard-Haughn, A., 2024. A Proposed Methodology for Determining the Economically Optimal Number of Sample Points for Carbon Stock Estimation in the Canadian Prairies. Land 13: 114.
Gowera, G.T., Sorenson, P., Bedard-Haughn, A., Rivard, B., Peak, D. and Feng, J., 2024. Evaluating performance of miniaturized spectrometers in predicting soil properties using multivariate statistical analysis. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 104: 216-226
Shahariar, S., Soolanayakanahally, R. and Bedard-Haughn, A., 2024. Short rotation willow to restore degraded marginal land and enhance climate resiliency within the Prairie Pothole Region: A potential nature-based solution. Nature-Based Solutions 5: p.100129
Gobezie, T.B., Scott, S.D., Daggupati, P., Bedard-Haughn, A. and Biswas, A., 2024. Soil data recency: The foundation for harmonizing soil data across time. Journal of Environmental Management 364: 121484.
Sorenson, P.T., Kiss, J., Bedard-Haughn, A.K. and Shirtliffe, S., 2022. Multi-Horizon Predictive Soil Mapping of Historical Soil Properties Using Remote Sensing Imagery. Remote Sensing 14: 5803
Kiss, J., Bedard-Haughn, A. and Sorenson, P., 2022. Predictive mapping of wetland soil types in the Canadian Prairie Pothole Region using high-resolution digital elevation model terrain derivatives. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 103: 21-46.
Sorenson, P.T., Kiss, J. and Bedard-Haughn, A.K., 2022. Improved parent material map disaggregation methods in the Saskatchewan prairies using historical bare soil composite imagery. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 103: 47-63
Baulch, H., Whitfield, C., Wolfe, J., Basu, N., Bedard-Haughn, A., Belcher, K., Clark, R., Ferguson, G., Hayashi, M., Ireson, A. and Lloyd-Smith, P., 2021. Synthesis of science: findings on Canadian Prairie wetland drainage. Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques 46: 229-241.
Shahariar, S., Farrell, R., Soolanayakanahally, R. and Bedard-Haughn, A., 2021. Elevated salinity and water table drawdown significantly affect greenhouse gas emissions in soils from contrasting land-use practices in the prairie pothole region. Biogeochemistry 155: 127-146.
- EVSC 380.3 – Grassland Soils and Vegetation
- SLSC 825.3 – Field Studies and Research Design of Saskatchewan Soil Landscapes