Jonathan Bennett
Associate Professor- Address
- 4D70 - Agriculture Building
Research Area(s)
- Ecology and management of invasive species
- Plant-soil feedbacks
- Mycorrhizas
- Plant diversity, plant-soil interactions, and ecosystem functioning
Plant Sciences
BSc – St. Francis Xavier University
MSc – University of Windsor
PhD – University of Alberta
Selected Recent Publications
Stotz, GC, Cahill, JF, Bennett, JA, et al. (2020). Not a melting pot: Plant species aggregate in their non‐native range. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 482–490.
Bennett, J.A., Koch, A. M., Forsythe, J., Johnson, N. C., Tilman, D. and Klironomos, J. (2020). Resistance of soil biota and plant growth to disturbance increases with plant diversity. Ecology Letters 23: 119-128.
Bennett, J.A. (2019). Similarities between invaders and native species: Moving past Darwin’s naturalization conundrum. Journal of Vegetation Science. 30(5): 1027-1034.
Bennett, J.A. & Klironomos, J. (2019) Mechanisms of plant–soil feedback: interactions among biotic and abiotic drivers. New Phytologist 222: 91-96.
Bennett, J.A. & Cahill, J.F. (2018). Flowering and floral visitation predict changes in community structure provided that mycorrhizas remain intact. Ecology 99: 1480-1489.
Bennett, J.A. & Klironomos J. (2018) Trait and environment effects on plant-soil feedback depend on mycorrhizal type in temperate forests. Ecosphere 9(3): e02132.
Bennett, J. A., H. Maherali, K. O. Reinhart, Y. Lekberg, M. M. Hart, and J. Klironomos. 2017. Plant-soil feedbacks and mycorrhizal type influence temperate forest population dynamics. Science 355:181-184.
Bennett, J. A., K. Riibak, R. Tamme, R. J. Lewis, and M. Pärtel. 2016. The reciprocal relationship between competition and intraspecific trait variation. Journal of Ecology 104:1410-1420.
Bennett, J. A., K. Riibak, E. Kook, Ü. Reier, R. Tamme, C. Guillermo Bueno, and M. Pärtel. 2016. Species pools, community completeness and invasion: disentangling diversity effects on the establishment of native and alien species. Ecology Letters 19:1496-1505.
Bennett, J. A., and J. F. Cahill. 2016. Fungal effects on plant-plant interactions contribute to grassland plant abundances: evidence from the field. Journal of Ecology 104:755-764.
Bennett, J. A., and M. Pärtel. 2017. Predicting species establishment using absent species and functional neighborhoods. Ecology and Evolution 7:2223-2237.
Courses Taught
PLSC 422 Rangeland Ecology and Management
PLSC 213 Principles of Plant Ecology
PLSC 898 Plant-soil feedbacks (beginning Winter 2021)