College of Agriculture and Bioresources

Research Area(s)

  • Experiential learning
  • Soil science education
  • Professional teaching collaborations

Brief Biography

I was born and raised in southern Saskatchewan. In addition to my university education (which includes training in physical anthropology and archaeology) I have worked as an exploration geologist in Northern Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the NWT, and as a geological technician in the oil fields of Alberta. My work experience also includes two years as an agronomist and two years in university administration. I like traveling, especially experiencing landscapes as much as the people and places within them.


Soil Science, College Administration

Other Affiliations/positions

  • Professional Agrologist (PAg): Saskatchewan Institute of Agrology
  • Co-chair: Soil Science Education Committee, Canadian Society of Soil Science
  • Member: Soil Science Society of America
  • Member: Canadian Society of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

Research Interests

My past research has included spatial relationships of nitrogen availability indices, spatial and temporal relationships of soil nitrous oxide emissions, and the translocation of soil due to tillage. Currently I am using my position to explore teaching concepts and application of assessment relevant to experiential learning; well suited to soil science and environmental education. I am also interested in pedology, land use and Saskatchewan landscapes.

Areas of specialization

Soil Description/Classification and Mapping; Delineation and Mapping of Ecosites; Saskatchewan Landscapes; Experiential Learning


Ph.D. (Soil Science) University of Saskatchewan

M.Sc. (Soil Science) University of Saskatchewan

B.Sc. (Geology) University of Saskatchewan

Selected Recent Publications

Krzic, M., T. Yates, A. Diochon, L. L. Van Eerd, and M. D. MacKenzie. (2024). Assessing the Incorporation of the Soil Health Concept in Postsecondary Education in Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 0(0),

Masse, J., T. Yates, M. Krzic, A.Unc, Z.C. Chen, S. Quideau, K. Hodgson, C.J. Warren. 2019. Identifying learning outcomes for a Canadian pedology field school: addressing the gap between new graduates’ skills and the needs of the current job market. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. (no pages yet) DOI: 10.1139/cjss-2019-0040 

Wilson, J. R., Yates, T. T., & Purton, K. (2018). Performance, Preference, and Perception in Experiential Learning Assessment. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9 (2).

Krzic, M., Yates, T., Basiliko, N., Pare, M., Diochon, A., Swallow, M. 2018. Introductory Soils Courses: A Frontier of Soil Science Education in Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 98: 1-14

Yates, T. and K. Hodgson. 2018. Professional Learning Experiences in a Field-based Course: Student Perceptions and Preferences. Natural Science Education 47: 170024. doi:10.4195/nse2017.12.0024

Diochon, A., Basiliko, N., Krzic, M., Yates, T.T., Olson, E., Masse, J., Amiro, B., & Kumaragamage, D. (2017). Profiling undergraduate soil science education in Canada: Status and projected trends.  Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 97(2): 122-132,

Yates, T., J. Wilson, and K. Purton. 2015. Assessment in Experiential Learning: A Single Campus Study. The Canadian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Vol 6/Iss3/4.

Minielly, C., D. Rehman, A. Adams, E. Bachmann, D. Natcher, D. Peak, T. Yates. 2015. Visualizing relationships in interdisciplinary research with Geographic Information Systems: A case study utilizing food security research in Sahelian West Africa. University of Saskatchewan Undergraduate Research Journal. Vol 2/Iss1.


Selected Awards

Natural Sciences Education Journal Outstanding Reviewer Award

Provost College Award for Outstanding Teaching

North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Teaching Award of Merit


RRM 301.9 Field Course in Renewable Resource Management