Kate Congreves
Associate ProfessorJarislowsky and BMO Research Chair in Regenerative Agriculture
- Address
- 2C18 - Agriculture Building
Research Area(s)
- Soil nitrogen transformations
- Crop nitrogen use efficiency
- Nitrogen losses
- Nitrous oxide emissions
- Soil health
- Regenerative cropping systems
Plant Sciences
Research Interests
Dr. Congreves’ research program is focused on understanding nitrogen (N) flows, cycling, and losses in crop production systems. She studies the fundamental mechanisms that regulate N cycling ecosystem processes in a range of cropping systems, including field crops, specialty crops, and horticultural crops. Her lab specializes in field-based agronomy research, using 15N stable isotopes techniques to trace N dynamics, and measuring greenhouse gas emissions via flux gradient micrometeorological techniques and with chambers. Current projects are addressing how diversification of cropping systems can control soil N transformations and supply, crop N uptake and use efficiency, and N2O emission dynamics. The long-term vision is widespread implementation of sustainable N management, and the creation of regenerative agroecosystems that do not pose reactive-N threats to our environment.
For information on Kate's research program and student opportunities, please visit her personal website.
Ph.D. University of Guelph (Land Resource Science)
B.Ed. Queen’s University (Biology & Chemistry)
B.Sc. Queen’s University (Biology)
Selected Recent Publications
Selected Awards
- Jarislowsky & BMO Research Chair in Regenerative Agriculture (2024-2028)
- New Researcher Award from the University of Saskatchewan (2023)
- USask Sustainability Faculty Fellowship (2022-2024)
- Professor of the Year from the USask Agricultural Students’ Association (2021)
- Early Career Award, Canadian Society of Agronomy (2021)
- Dean’s New Researcher Award of Excellence,College of Agriculture and Bioresources (2020)