College of Agriculture and Bioresources

Research Area(s)

  • Genetics
  • Breeding
  • Production and management of durum and high yielding wheat


Plant Sciences, Crop Development Centre


  • Ph.D., University of Saskatchewan
  • B.S.A., University of Saskatchewan

Selected Publications

R. Avni, M. Nave, O. Barad, S. O. Twardziok, H. Gundlach, I. Hale,  M. Mascher, M. Spannag, K. Wiebe, K. W Jordan, G. Golan, J. Deek, B. Ben-Zvi, K. Baruch, G. Ben-Zvi, A. Himmelbach, R. P. MacLachlan, A. G. Sharpe, A. Fritz, R. Ben-David, H. Budak, T. Fahima, A. Korol, J. D. Faris, A. Hernandez, M. A. Mike, A. Levy, B. Steffenson, M. Maccaferri, R. Tuberosa, L. Cattivelli, P. Faccioli, A. Ceriotti, K. Kashkush, M. Pourkheirandish, T. Komatsuda, T. Eilam, H. Sela, A. Sharon, N. Ohad, D. A. Chamovitz, K.F.X. Mayer, N. Stein, G. Ronen, Z. Peleg, C. J. Pozniak, E. D. Akhunov, A. Distelfeld.  2017. Wild emmer genome architecture and diversity elucidate wheat evolution and domestication.  Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.aan0032.

K. T. Nilsen, A. N’Diaye, P.R. MacLachlan, J. M. Clarke, Y. Ruan, R. D. Cuthbert, R. E Knox, K. Wiebe, A. T. Cory, S. Walkowiak, B. L. Beres, R. J. Graf, F. R. Clarke, A. G. Sharpe, A. Distelfeld, C. J. Pozniak.  2017. High density mapping and haplotype analysis of the major stem-solidness locus SSt1 in durum and common wheat.  PLoS One.  DOI/10.1371/journal.pone.0175285.

E. Perez-Lara, K. Semagn, V. Anh Tran, I.a Ciechanowska, H. Chen, M. Iqbal, A. N’Diaye, C. J. Pozniak, S. E. Strelkov, P. J. Hucl, R. J. Graf, H. Randhawa, and D. Spaner. 2017.  Population Structure and Genomewide Association Analysis of Resistance to Disease and Insensitivity to Ptr Toxins in Canadian Spring Wheat Using 90K SNP Array.  Crop Science.  DOI: 10.2135/cropsci2016.10.0859

A. N’Diaye, J. K. Haile, A. T. Cory, F. R. Clarke, J. M. Clarke, R. E. Knox, C. J. Pozniak. 2017. Single Marker and Haplotype-Based Association Analysis of Semolina and Pasta Colour in Elite Durum Wheat Breeding Lines Using a High-Density Consensus Map.  PLoS One. DOI/10.1371/journal.pone.0170941.

M. T. Kassa, F. M. You, C. W. Hiebert, C. J. Pozniak, P. R. Fobert, A. G. Sharpe, J. G. Menzies, D. G. Humphreys, N. Rezac Harrison, J. P. Fellers, B. D. McCallum, C. A.  McCartney. 2017. Highly predictive SNP markers for efficient selection of the wheat leaf rust resistance gene Lr16. BMC Plant Biol. DOI: 10.1186/s12870-017-0993-7.

International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium.  Principle Investigators and Authors for Communication.  K.F.X. Mayer, J. Rogers, J. Dolezel, C.J. Pozniak, K. Eversole, C. Feuillet. 2014.  A chromosome-based draft sequence of the hexaploid bread wheat genome.  Science.  DOI: 10.1126/science.1251788.

Awards and Medals

  • Honorary Life Membership, Saskatchewan Seed Growers Association, January 2024
  • Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal for service in agriculture. International/ Saskatchewan Government. December 2022.
  • International Conference Tourism Award, Tourism Saskatchewan/City of Saskatoon, October 2019.
  • Top 20 Seed Industry Influencers, Germination Magazine, 2019
  • Outstanding Leadership Award, Awarded by the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium, 2019
  • Award of Innovation, 19th Saskatoon Achievement in Business Excellence (SABEX) Award, 2014
  • Dean’s Award for Research Excellence, University of Saskatchewan, 2014
  • Best Agronomy Paper, Canadian Society of Agronomy, 2013
  • Young Researcher Award, University of Saskatchewan, 2010
  • Young Agronomist Award, Canadian Society of Agronomy, 2010
  • Best Research Poster Presentation, International Durum Wheat Symposium, 2008
  • D. Outstanding Graduate Student, Department of Plant Sciences, U of S, 2001


  • PLSC 411 - Plant Breeding
  • PLSC 803 - Advanced Plant Breeding
  • PLSC 816 - Quantitative Genetics