Michael Nickerson
ProfessorMinistry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Protein Quality and Utilization
- Address
- 3E28 - Agriculture Building
Research Area(s)
- Protein fractionation
- Protein functionality
- Ingredient modification
- Protein/Feedstock quality
- Plant-based protein innovations/foods
Food and Bioproduct Sciences
Research Interests
Dr. Nickerson’s research area focuses on improving the use of plant protein ingredients within the food industry, and targets five main areas: 1) protein/feedstock quality; 2) protein fractionation; 3) protein functionality; 4) ingredient modification; and 5) value-added plant-based protein innovations. Research efforts primarily focusing on proteins derived from pulses, oilseeds and grains, as well as some other alternative protein sources.
B.Sc. (Hon.), Dalhousie University, 1994-1998, Marine Biology
M.Sc., Dalhousie University, 1998-2001, Food Chemistry
Ph.D., Dalhousie University, 2001-2004, Food Chemistry
Post-Doctorate Fellow, Dalhousie University, 2004-2006, Food Chemistry
Selected Publications
Higa, F., House, J.D. and Nickerson, M.T. (2024). Functionality and nutritional properties of yellow pea, green lentil, chickpea and navy bean proteins extracted by different methods. European Food Research and Technology, 250, 273-286.
Khorsandi, A., Shi, D., Stone, A.K., Bhagwat, A., Lu, Y., Xu, C., Das, P.P., Polley, B., Akhov, L., Gerein, J., Han, X., Bhowmik, P., Zaharia, L.I., House, J. D., Rajagopalan, N., Tanaka, T., Korber, D.R., & Nickerson, M.T. (2024). Effect of solid-state fermentation on the protein quality and volatile profile of pea and navy bean protein isolates. Cereal Chemistry, 101, 131-143.
Singh, R., Guerrero, M., Nickerson, M.T. and Koksel, F. (2024). Effects of extrusion screw speed, feed moisture content and barrel temperature on the physical, techno-functional and microstructural quality of texturized lentil protein. Journal of Food Science, 89, 2040-2053.
Thirulogasundar, A., Shi, D., Stone, A.K., Xu, C., Bhagwat, A., Lu, Y., Polley, B., House, J.D., Bhowmik, P., Rajagopalan, N., Tanaka, T., & Nickerson, M.T. (2024) Effect of enzyme hydrolysis on the functionality, protein quality, and flavour profile of lentil and chickpea protein isolates. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 18, 1592-1609.
Sareen, J., Shi, D., Stone, A.K., Xu, C., Polley, B., House, J. D., Bhowmik, P., Rajagopalan, N., Tanaka, T., & Nickerson, M.T. (2023). Effect of enzyme hydrolysis on the physicochemical, functional, and nutritional properties of pea and faba bean protein isolates. European Food Research and Technology, 249, 3175–3190.
Li, C., Shi, D., Stone, A.K., Wanasundara, J., Tanaka, T., & Nickerson, M.T. (2023). Effect of canola meal fermentation and protein extraction method on the functional properties of resulting protein products. JAOCS, 100, 437-448.
Laing, E., Stone, A.K., Shi, D., Pickard, M., Wang, N., & Nickerson, M.T. (2023). Effect of infrared heating on the functional properties of yellow pea and green lentil flours. Cereal Chemistry, 100, 601-613.
Deushi, R., Shi, D., Stone, A.K., Wang, Y., Coutinho, G.S.M., House, J.D., Hou, A., & Nickerson, M.T. (2023). Effect of sulfur fertilization on the composition, functionality, and protein quality of navy beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). JSFA Reports, 3(9), 414-419.
Tang, Y.R., Stone, A.K., Wang, Y., Zhou, L., Kimmel, J., House, J.D., & Nickerson, M.T. (2023). Effect of a pH shift treatment on the functional properties of individual and blended commercial plant protein ingredients. European Food Research and Technology, 249, 1969-1977.
Dai, S. and Nickerson, M.T. (2022). Comparative evaluation of the functionality of faba bean protein isolates with major legume proteins in the market. Cereal Chemistry, 99 (6), 1246-1260.
Selected Awards
W.J. Eva Award, Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology (2018)
(Awarded to an individual who has contributed to Canadian food science and technology through outstanding research and service to the industry.)
Dean’s Award for Research Excellence, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan (2018)
(Awarded to an individual who has made significant contributions to research)
Past and Current Funding Sources
- Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada – Discovery Grant Program
- Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada – Collaborative Research and Training Experience Program
- Saskatchewan Agriculture Development Fund
- Saskatchewan Pulse Growers
- AAFC- Canadian Pulse Science Cluster
- AAFC- Canadian National Wheat Cluster.
- National Research Council of Canada
- Western Grains Innovation Fund
- Global Institute of Food Security – University of Saskatchewan
- Variety of industry partners
Undergraduate courses:
- ARGC 112.3 (Animal Agriculture and Food Science)
- FABS 460.3 (Protein Science and Technology)
- FABS 493.3 (Food Product Development)
Gradaute courses:
- FDSC 850.3 (Advanced Food Proteins I)
- FDSC 851.3 (Advanced Food Proteins II)