College of Agriculture and Bioresources

Plant Sciences

Picture of Dr. Manjula Bandara

Dr. Manjula Bandara PhD
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Principal Research Consultant, MCB Agric-Research Consulting

Picture of Debbie Banks

Debbie Banks
Graduate Program Assistant, Plant Sciences

Picture of  Sabine Banniza

Sabine Banniza

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Pulse Crop Pathology

Picture of  Aaron Beattie

Aaron Beattie
Associate Professor (on sabbatical leave September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025)

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Barley and Oat Breeding and Genetics

Picture of  Bill Biligetu

Bill Biligetu
Associate Professor

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Forage Crop Breeding

Picture of  Robert (Bob) Bors

Robert (Bob) Bors FRCPC
Assistant Professor (Retired as of June 30, 2024)

Picture of  Maryse Bourgault

Maryse Bourgault
Assistant Professor

Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) Integrated Agronomy Research Chair

Picture of Adam Carter

Adam Carter MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in CWRS Wheat, Specialty Wheats, and Canaryseed Breeding and Genetics

Dr. Syama Chatterton PhD
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Research Scientist-Pathology, Lethbridge, AB, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Picture of Kate Congreves

Kate Congreves
Associate Professor

Jarislowsky and BMO Research Chair in Regenerative Agriculture

Picture of  Gloria Gingera

Gloria Gingera
Departmental Assistant-Communications, Plant Sciences/Crop Development Centre

Picture of Pierre Hucl

Pierre Hucl

"As of July 1 , 2023, I have transitioned to a half-time faculty appointment and will not be supervising Graduate Students henceforth".

Dr. Sateesh Kagale PhD
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Senior Research Officer, Crop Genetics and Genomics, National Research Council Canada

Picture of Dr. Breeanna Kelln

Dr. Breeanna Kelln
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Pasture Rejuvenation, Grazing Systems, Beef Cow Winter Feeding Systems, Forage and Pasture Management, Crop and Livestock Integration

Picture of  Leon Kochian

Leon Kochian

Canada Excellence Research Chair in Global Food Security
Associate Director, Global Institute for Food Security

Picture of  H. Randy Kutcher

H. Randy Kutcher

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Cereal and Flax Crop Pathology

Dr. Jurandir Magalhaes PhD
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Researcher, Plant Molecular Genetics and Genomics, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Brazil

Dr. Isobel Parkin PhD
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Research Scientist, Brassica genomics, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Picture of Curtis Pozniak

Curtis Pozniak
Professor and Director, Crop Development Centre

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Durum and High-Yield Wheat Breeding and Genetics

Dr. Abidur Rahman PhD
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Professor, Iwate University, Japan

Dr. Stephen Robinson PhD
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Research Scientist, Epigenetics, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Saskatoon, SK

Dr. Gopalan Selvaraj PhD
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Principal Research Scientist, Molecular biology, genomics, stress physiology and biochemistry National Research Council of Canada

Dr. Raju Soolanayakanahally PhD
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Research Scientist, Plant Physiology, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Katherine Standen
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Government of Saskatchewan Senior Park Landscape Ecologist, Landscape Protection Unit Parks Division, Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport

Picture of  Bunyamin Tar'an

Bunyamin Tar'an

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Chickpea and Flax Breeding and Genetics

Dr. Matsuo Uemura PhD
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Scientist, Botany, Cryobiology and Plant Physiology, Iwate University, Japan

Picture of  Flavia van Cleef

Flavia van Cleef
Assistant Professor

Beef Industry Integrated Forage Managament and Utilization Chair

Picture of Ana Vargas

Ana Vargas
Assistant Professor

Agri-Food Innovation Fund Chair, Lentil and Faba Bean

Dr. Ruojing Wang PhD
Adjunct Professor - Plant Sciences

Head of the National Seed Herbarium, Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Picture of Tom Warkentin

Tom Warkentin

Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Program (SRP) Chair in Pulse Crop Breeding and Genetics

Picture of  Christian Willenborg

Christian Willenborg MSc, PhD
Department Head (Plant Sciences) and Professor

I am not seeking new graduate students at this time. Thank you.