Suren Kulshreshtha
Professor Emeritus- Address
- 3D12 - Agriculture Building
Research Area(s)
- Water resources and irrigation economics
- Economics of shelterbelts
- Economic impact assessment
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Ph.D., University of Manitoba, 1965, Department of Agricultural Economics
M.Sc., Agra University, India, 1960, R.B.S. College, Agriculture Economics
B.Sc., Agra University, India, 1958, R.B.S. College, Agriculture
Brief Bio
Suren Kulshreshtha has been a Visiting Scientist at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, at Laxenburg, Austria, Virginia Polytechnique and State University, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and McGill University. He has also participated in several oversees projects in Indonesia, Zambia and India through the Canadian International Development Agency, and has been an invited participant at several FAO and United Nations Environmental Program activities. Previously he has also served as an Associate Member of the School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan, and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Natural Sciences, MacDonald College, McGill University.
Selected recent publications
Lindsey Rudd, Ken Belcher, Suren Kulshreshtha, Beyhan Amichev. 2021. Carbon Life Cycle Assessment of Shelterbelts in Saskatchewan. Journal of Environmental Management. Volume 299.
Ana-Maria Bogdan and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2021. Economic Impact of Water Management Practices for Onion Production in Quebec, Canada. In Sumona Bag (ed). Modern Perspectives in Economics, Business and Management. B.P. International. Hoogley, India.
David Natcher, Shawn Ingram, Ray Solotki, Carl Burgess, Suren Kulshreshtha and Lindsey Vold. 2021. Assessing the Constraints to the Adoption of Containerized Agriculture in Northern Canada. Frontiers of Sustainable Food Systems. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2021.643366.
Ana-Maria Bogdan and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2021. Perception and Adoption of New Water table management Technology by Horticultural Crops Growers in Eastern Canada. Journal of Rural Studies. Volume 87.
Mariella Marmanilo, Suren Kulshreshtha and Chandra Madramootoo. 2021. Economic Analysis of the Controlled Drainage with Sub-Irrigation System: A Case Study of Grain-producing farms in Quebec and Ontario. Canadian Waster Resource Journal. 46(1-2): 38-51.
Ziad Ghaith, Suren Kulshreshtha, Dave Natcher, and Bobby Thomas Cameron. 2021. Regional Computable General Equilibrium Models: A Review. Journal of Policy Modelling 43: 710-724.
Mohammad Ghorbani, Suren Kulshreshtha and M. Aminizadeh. 2021. Assessing effective factors for exports of Iranian dates to European Union using a gravity model. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Research. 27 (No. 1) 2021. 549-64.
Mohammad Ghorbani, Suren(dra) Kulshreshtha, R. Radmeh, and F. Habibi. 2020. Technical Efficiency in Agriculture. In Sandeep Silag et al. (Eds). Resource Use Efficiency in Agriculture. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Ltd.
R. Radmehr, M. Ghorbani and S. Kulshreshtha. 2020. Selecting Strategic Policy for irrigation Water Management (Case Study: Qazvin Plain, Iran). Journal of Agriculture Sciences and Technology. 22(2): 579-593.
Mariella Mendoza Marmanilo and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2020. Economic Analysis of the Hand Moved Sprinkler Irrigation System: A Case Study of a Vegetable Farm. EC Agriculture. 6.5: 92-109.
Ana-Maria Bogdan and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2020. Canadian Horticultural Growers’ Perception of Beneficial Management Practices for Improved On-Farm Water Management. In Wessex Institute of Technology. Environmental Impact Assessment 2020. Ashurst, UK.
Surendra N. Kulshreshtha (Ed.). 2020. Sustainability Concepts in Developing Countries. London: InTech Open. Xi+110 pp.
Mohammad Ghorbani, Surendra Kulshreshtha, Riza Redmehr, and Amir Dadrasmoghaddam, 2020. Identification of Bio-Components Influencing Wheat Yields: Application of Spatial Regression Model. HSOA Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences. 3:022. DOI: 10.24966/AAS-8292/100022.
Dave Sauchyn, Debra Davidson, and Mark Johnston (Lead Authors). Mike Flannigan, Amber Fletcher, Kendra Isaac, Suren Kulshreshtha, Twyla Kowalczyk, Ian Mauro, Jeremy Pittman, Maureen Reed, Richard Schneider, Megan van Ham an Elaine Wheaton. --- Citation: Sauchyn, D., Davidson, D., and Johnston, M. (2020): Prairie Provinces. Chapter 4 in Canada in a Changing Climate: Regional Perspectives Report, (ed.) F. J. Warren, N. Lulham and D. S. Lemmen. Government of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
Surendra N. Kulshreshtha (Ed.). 2020. Agricultural Economics – Current Issues. London: InTech Open. Xi+115 pp.
Suren Kulshreshtha. 2020. Comparative Analysis of Adopted Rural Development Measures in Saskatchewan: Five Case Studies. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(3);59-69.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha. 2019. Vulnerability of Prairie Agriculture to Climate Change with Implications for its Sustainability. E C Agriculture. 5.12: 01-08.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha, 2019. Resiliency of Prairie Agriculture to Climate Change. Chapter in Climate Change and Agriculture. Edited by S. Hussain. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech Publishers.
Yousef Hassan, Seied Mehdi Hashmey Shahdany, J. Maestre, Banafsheh Zahraei, Mohammed Ghorbani, Shida Hennebery and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2019. An economic-operational framework for optimum agricultural water distribution in irrigation districts without water marketing. Agricultural Water Management. 221: 348-361.
Ziad Ghaith, David Natcher and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2018. Economic Impact of the United States withdrawal from Trans-Pacific Partnership on Canada: A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis. Journal of Applied Business and Economics. 20(8): 72-85.
David Natcher, E. Bachman, M. Baku, S. Kulshreshtha, J. Pittman, and D. Peak. 2018. Transitions in Cooperative Labor and the Constraints to the Adoption and Scaling-Up of Labor-Intensive Agricultural Technologies. Sustainable Agricultural Research. 7(3): 71-80.
Surendra Kulshreshtha and Elaine Wheaton (Eds.). 2018. Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change.Basel, Switzerland: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.
Suren Kulshreshtha, Redwan Ahmed, Ken Belcher, and Lindsey Rudd. 2018. Economic-Environmental Impacts of Shelterbelts in Saskatchewan, Canada. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Environmental and Economic Impact on Sustainable Development. 20 – 22 June 2018. Ashurst, U.K.: Wessex Institute of Technology.
Mohammad Ghorbani, Suren Kulshreshtha and Mohsen Jamali. 2018. Economic Value of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Crop Production in Iran. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 24(4): 537-553.
Santosh Poudel, Surendra N. Kulshreshtha, and Elaine Wheaton. 2018. The Economic Impacts of Climate Change and Climatic Extremes on the Mixed Farms of the Canadian Prairie. International Journal of Climate Change: Impact and Responses. 9(4):35-51.
Marianne Possberg and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2018. Beef Enterprise Profitability and Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Manitoba Farms. E C Agriculture 4.1: 29-38.
Oteng Modongo and Surendra N. Kulshreshtha. 2018 Economics of Mitigating Greenhouse gas Emissions from Beef Production in Western Canada. Agricultural Systems. 162: 229-238.
Tingting Liu, Ted Huffman, Suren Kulshreshtha, Brian McConkey, Yuneng Du, Melodie Green, Jiangui Liu, Jiali Shang, and Xiaoyuan Geng. 2017. Bioenergy production on marginal land in Canada: Potential, economic feasibility, and greenhouse gas emissions impacts. Applied Energy. 205: 477-485
Elaine Wheaton and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2017. Environmental Sustainability of Agriculture Stressed by Changing Extremes of Drought and Excess Moisture: A Conceptual Review. Sustainability. 9: 1-13.
Beyhan Y. Amichev, Murray J. Bentham, Suren Kulshreshtha, Colin P. Laroque, Joseph M. Piowar, and Ken C.J. Van Rees. 2017. Carbon sequestration and growth of six common tree and shrub shelterbelts in Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 97: 368-381.
Janell C. Remple, Suren N. Kulshreshtha, Beyhan Y. Amichev, and Ken C.J. Van Rees. 2017. Costs and benefits of shelterbelts: A review of producers’ perceptions and mind map analyses for Saskatchewan, Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 97: 341-352.
Suren Kulshreshtha, Charles Grant, Brian Amiro, Kim Ominski, Getahun Legesse and Akilu Alemu. 2017. Economic and greenhouse gas emissions of doubling of forage area in Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Sciences. 97: 487-496.
Santosh Poudel and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2017. Mixed Farm Model for the Economic Impact Assessment of Climate Change and Extremes. SciFed Journal of Environmental Study. 1(1): 1-13.
Suren Kulshreshtha and Amin Elshorbagy (Eds.). 2016. Current Perspective on Irrigation and Drainage. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech Publishers.
Suren Kulshreshtha and Emmanuel Musaba. 2016. Sustainability Considerations in Biofuel Development in Saskatchewan, Canada. In C. Brebbia and J. Garcia, Environmental Impact 2016 – 3rd International Conference on Environment and Economic Impact on Sustainable Development. Ashurst, Southampton: WIT Press. Pp. 98-109. [Reprinted in International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning. 2016. 11 (2) 128-137].
Ana-Maria Bogdan and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2016. Temporal and Spatial Scale Community Level Water Use in Saskatchewan. Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development. 7(2): 404-413. doi.org/10.4172/2155-9546.1000404
David Natcher, Erika Bachmann, Jeromy Pitman, Suren Kulshreshtha, Mohammed Baco P. Akoponikpe and Derek Peak. 2016. Knowledge Diffusion and the Adoption of Fertilizer Microdosing in Northwest Benin. Sustainable Agricultural Research. 5(3): 1-10.
Suren Kulshreshtha, Brent Paterson, Dick Hart and Lorraine Nicol. 2016. Irrigation’s Impact on Economic Growth in Alberta, Canada. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage System Engineering. 5(1): 156-161. doi:10.4172/2168-9768.1000156
Jolene Grise and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2016. Farmers’ Choice of Crops in Canadian Prairies under Climate Change: An Econometric Analysis. Journal of Earth Sciences and Climate Change. 7(2): 332-42. doi.org/10.4172/2157-7617.1000332
Santosh Poudel and Surendra Kulshreshtha. 2016. Choice of Beef Herd Adaptation Strategy on Canadian Prairie Mixed Farms under Extreme Climate Events. Sociology Studies. 6(3):147-163.
Suren Kulshreshtha, Elaine Wheaton and Virginia Wittrock. 2016. The Impacts of the 2001-2002 Drought in Rural Alberta and Saskatchewan. Pp. 79-106. In Harry Diaz and James Warren (Eds.). Vulnerability and Adaptation to Drought. Calgary: University of Calgary Press.
Beyhan Y Amichev, Murray J Bentham, Werner A Kurz, Colin P Laroque, Suren Kulshreshtha, Joseph M Piwowar, and Ken Van Rees. 2016. Carbon sequestration by white spruce shelterbelts in Saskatchewan, Canada: 3PG and CBM-CFS3 model simulations, Ecological Modelling. 325: 35-46.
Mark P. McHenry, Surendra N. Kulshreshtha and Silvia Lac (Eds.). 2015. Agriculture Management for Climate Change. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. Pp. viii+157.
Behyan Y. Amichev, Murray J. Bentham, David Cerkowviak, John Kort, Suren Kulshreshtha, Colin P. Laroque, Joseph M. Piowar and Ken C. J. Van Rees. 2015. Mapping and quantification of planted tree and shrubs shelterbelts in Saskatchewan, Canada. Agroforestry Systems. 89: 49-65.
Mark McHenry, Suren Kulshreshtha and Silvia Lac (Eds.). 2015. Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. Pp. viii+160
Suren Kulshreshtha, Saima Abbasi and Elaine Wheaton. 2015. The Challenges of Droughts in Selected Rural Communities in Saskatchewan. In C. S. Brebbia (Ed). Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards IV. Ashurst, Southampton: Wessex Institute of Technology.
Ahmad Gheidi and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2015. Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Soils: An Integrated Analysis of Economic and Environmental Trae-offs. (pp. 43-56). In Mark McHenry, Suren Kulshreshtha and Silvia Lac (Eds.). Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Marianne Possberg, Suren Kulshreshtha and Akililu Alemu. 2015. Creating Profitability and Lowering Greenhouse Gases: A Study of Selected Manitoba Cow-Calf farms. Referred paper. In Proceedings of the International Farm Management 20th Congress, Quebec, Canada, July 12-17 2015. Pp. 410-417.
Surendran Arumugam, K. R. Ashoka, Suren Kulshreshtha, I. Vellangany and R. Govindawamy. 2015. Yield Variability in Rainfed Crops as Influenced by Climate Change Variables: A Micro-Level Investigation into Agro-Climate Zones of Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management. 7(4): 442-459.
Suren Kulshreshtha, M. Undi, J. Zhang, M. Ghorbani, K. Wittenberg, A. Stewart, E. Salvano, E. Kebreab and K. Ominski. 2015. Challenges and Opportunities in Estimating the Value of Goods and Services in temperate Grasslands: A Case Study of Prairie Grasslands in Manitoba. In Agroecology. By V. Pavicious (Ed.). InTech Open Access Publisher. Rijeka, Croatia.
Susan McWilliam, Monique Wismer and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2015. Life Cycle and Economic Analysis of Western Canadian Pulse Systems: Dry Peas versus Soybean Meal as a Source of Protein in Swine Diets. EC Agriculture. 2(6): 483-503. [Awarded “Best Paper of the issue” by the EC Agriculture Journal, 2005]
Suren Kulshreshtha, Joe Thomsen and Carlos Monreal. 2014. “Economics of agricultural greenhouse gas mitigation measures in Canada” (pp. 1-12), in Silvia Lac, Suren Kulshreshtha and Mark McHenry (Eds.). 2014. Agricultural Management for Climate Change. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Surendra Kulshreshtha. 2014. Climate Change and Water Resources: A Case Study of the Canadian Prairie Region. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering. 4(3): 207-220.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha and Janelle Remple. 2014. “Shelterbelts on Saskatchewan farms: An Asset or a nuisance”, (Pp. 39-54). In S. Lac and M. McHenry (Eds.). Climate Change and Forest Ecosystems. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc.
Mohammad Ghorbani, Suren Kulshreshtha and M. Farsi. 2014. Conflicts over Underground Water and Pressurized Irrigation in Iran: A Spatial Analysis. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research. 2(6): 185-190.
Jolene Grisé and Suren Kulshreshtha. 2014. Effect of Climate Change on Farmers’ Choice of Crops. Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Suren Kulshreshtha and Elaine Wheaton, 2013. Climate change adaptation and food production in Canada: some research challenges. In Carlos Brebbia and V. Popof (Eds). Food and Environment II – A Quest for a Sustainable Future. Boston: WIT Press.Funding Sources
Suren Kulshreshtha. 2020-21. Economic Impacts of Beef Sector in Canada, $43,412.50. Canadian Cattlemen’s Association.
W. Ashton, Suren Kulshreshtha, Derek Brewin and Mikael Akimowicz. An economic estimation of costs and benefit from farm-level management of excess moisture in Manitoba. 2019-2021. $105,702.00, Manitoba Wheat and Barley Producers Association.
Colin Laroque, Ken Van Rees, Suren Kulshreshtha and Ken Belcher. 2017-2021. Development of a Management Support Toolbox for Carbon Sequestration Strategies using Agroforestry Shelterbelt Systems in Saskatchewan. $1,440,180.
Chandra Madramootoo, David Burton, Suren Kulshreshtha, Ali Madani, Joann Whalen, Viacheslav Adamchuk, Chin Tan, Tiequan Zhang, Asim Biswas, Zhimming Qi, Abdolhamid Shafaroudi. 2017-2021. An Integrated Socio-Economic and bio-Physical Framework for Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions under Agricultural Water Management Systems in Eastern Canada. $1,963.373.
Hassan Vatanparast, Suren Kulshreshtha, Michele M. Valle, Lou Hammond Ketilson, Marwa Farag, Virginia Lane, Patrick Chasse, Claudio Nunes and Artin Lahiji. 2016-17. One Health Approach to Improving Food Security and Nutritional Status in the Context of Gender/Ethnic Inequalities in Guatemala. $17,145.
B. Amiro, W. Akinremi, G, Dias, D, Flaten, D. Krause, Suren Kulshreshtha, K. Ominski, G. Robbins, M. Tenuta, K. Witttenberg, 2015-2016. Best management Practices for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation from Agroecosystems, with Emphasis on Cow-Calf Non-confinement Production Systems in Western Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Agriculture Greenhouse Gas program). $3,960.
C. Madramotoo, D. Burton, Suren Kulshreshtha, A. Madani, J. Whalen, V. Adamchuk, C. Tan, T. Zhang, 2015-16. Effects of Agricultural Water Management Systems on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Eastern Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Agriculture Greenhouse Gas program). $29,150.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha. 2014-17. Barriers to Growth in Rural Saskatchewan – A Case Study of Municipal Tax and Non-Tax Incentives. Alliance for Food and Bioproducts Innovation, $52,953.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha. 2013-15. (Jointly with Professor Bill Brown). Irrigation Development as an Instrument for Economic Growth. Alliance for Food and Bioproducts Innovation $57,232.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha. 2012-13. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Improving the Knowledge of the Resiliency and Adaptation of Canadian Agriculture Response to Global Drivers. $11,500.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha. 2012. Estimation of Multiplier Effect for the Canadian Cattle Industry. Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. Calgary. $27,142.50.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha. 2012. Saskatchewan Current and Future Water Use Study. Saskatchewan Watershed Authority. Moose Jaw. $56,220.00.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha. 2011. Report on Building 2020 and 2030 Worlds for the SAGES Project. Semi-Arid Prairie Agriculture Research Center, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Swift Current. $11,000.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha. 2011. Estimation of Biofuel Cost of Production. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa. $20,000.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha. 2011-12. Saskatchewan Water Use 2010-2060. Saskatchewan Watershed Authority and South-Central Enterprise Region. $104,012.
S. Santibanez, D. Sauchyn, P. Diaz, M. Hurlbert, G. Marchildon, J. Piowar, Suren Kulshreshtha, D. McMartin, E. Wheaton, S. Kinzle, F. Daniels, B. Ryes, S. Salas, M. Fiebig-Wittmaack, E. Montana, R. Villalba, J. Cavagnaro, D. Da Silva, M. Fuentes, C. Sung, G. Poveda, S. Turbay and B. Nates-Cruz. 2011-15. Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Extremes in the Americas -- VACEA. International Research Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change. Through University of Regina. $2,496,397.50.
K. Van Rees, R. Farrell,A. Kimaro, D. Jackson, Suren Kulshreshtha, J. Piowar, C. Laroque, M. Johnston, S. Poppy, M. Wismer, and J. Lettvenuk. 2011-2015. Shelterbelts as an Agroforstry Management Practice for the Mitigation of GHGs. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Agriculture Greenhouse Gas program). $1,555,610.
B. Amiro, W. Akinremi, G, Dias, D, Flaten, D. Krause, Suren Kulshreshtha, K. Ominski, G. Robbins, M. Tenuta, K. Witttenberg, 2011-2015. Best management Practices for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation from Agroecosystems, with Emphasis on Cow-Calf Non-confinement Production Systems in Western Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Agriculture Greenhouse Gas program). $2,996,451.
C. Madramotoo, D. Burton, Suren Kulshreshtha, A. Madani, J. Whalen, V. Adamchuk, C. Tan, T. Zhang, 2011-2015. Effects of Agricultural Water Management Systems on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Eastern Canada. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Agriculture Greenhouse Gas program). $1,999,710.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha. 2010. Improving knowledge of Bio-based Economy. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Semi-Arid Prairie Agriculture Research Center, Swift Current. $20,276.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha. 2010. Improving the Knowledge of the Resiliency and Adaptation of Canadian Agriculture in Response to Global Drivers. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Semi-Arid Prairie Agriculture Research Center, Swift Current. $10,876.
Suren N. Kulshreshtha. 2010. A literature survey of the potential socio-economic impacts of climate change on Canadian agriculture. Agri-Environmental Services Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. $13,000.
Claudio Menendez, Ronald Stewart, Barrie Bonsal, Ernesto Hugo Berbery, Andrea Carril, John Hanesiak, Suren Kulshreshtha, Claudia Natenzon, Olga Penalba, Pablo Suarez, Allan Woodbury, and Elaine Wheaton (Through University of Manitoba). Coping with extremes in the future over two regions of Canada and Argentina. International Development Research Center. 2009-10. $30,000.
Fernando Santibanez, David Sauchyn, Harry Polo Diaz, Margot Hurlbert, Gregory Marchildon, Joseph Piwowar, Surendra Kulshreshtha and Denna McMartin (Through University of Regina). Vulnerability to climate extremes in the Americas. International Development Research Center. 2009-10. $30,000.
Harry Diaz, Elaine Wheaton, Suren N. Kulshreshtha Margot Hurlbert, and J. Wandel. Rural Community and Adaptation to Drought. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. 2009-2012. $246,705.00.
Van Lantz, Murray Rudd, Wolfgang Haider, Suren N. Kulshreshtha, and Tom Beckley. Ecological Goods and Services: Clarifying property rights, Assessing costs and benefits, and Proposing incentive structures in Watershed across Canada. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. 2009-2012. $236,460.00.
Selected Awards
Fellow, Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, 2004