Canada Excellence Research Chairs
- Leon Kochian, Food Systems and Security
Industry Funded Research Chairs
- Maryse Bourgault, Western Grains Research Foundation Integrated Agronomy Chair
- Richard Gray, Canadian Wheat Board Grain Policy Chair
- Flavia van Cleef, Beef Industry Research Chair in Integrated Forage Management and Utilization
- Stuart Smyth, Agri-Food Innovation and Sustainability Enhancement Chair
- Peter Slade, Canadian Canola Growers Agricultural Policy Chair
- Gabriel Ribeiro, Saskatchewan Beef Industry Chair
Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Research Chairs
- Sabine Banniza, Pulse Crop Pathology
- Aaron Beattie, Barley and Oat Breeding and Genetics
- Bill Biligetu, Forage Crop Breeding
- Richard Farrell, Soil Biological Processes
- Adam Carter, Specialty Wheats and Canaryseed Breeding and Genetics
- Bart Lardner, Cow-Calf and Forage Systems
- Randy Kutcher, Cereal and Flax Crop Pathology
- Michael Nickerson, Protein Quality and Utilization
- Curtis Pozniak, Durum and High-Yield Wheat Breeding and Genetics
- Martin Reaney, Lipid Quality and Utilization
- Jeff Schoenau, Soil Nutrient Management
- Bunyamin Tar’an, Chickpea and Flax Breeding and Genetics
- Tom Warkentin, Field Pea Breeding and Genetics
- Peiqiang Yu, Feed Research and Development
Ministry of Agriculture Endowed Research Chairs
- Rex Newkirk, Feed Processing Technology
- Yongfeng Ai, Carbohydrate Quality and Utilization
Ministry of Agriculture Agri-Food Innovation Chairs
- Ana Vargas, Lentil and Faba Bean
- Kaidi Wang, Applied Microbiology
University of Saskatchewan Internal Chairs
- Sabine Banniza, W.J. White Professorship
- David Natcher, UArctic Chair in Water, Energy and Food (WEF) Security in the Arctic