
Awards - Money available to students from the university or college

Bursary - Awards based on financial need

Centrally administered awards - These are awards that are determined by the university awards office

College administered awards - These are awards determined by the College of AgBio Dean’s Office

Continuing student - Students continuing on in the same college that they were registered in the previous year

Entrance - New students entering the college from high school

Fellowships - Awards given to support specific academic work and/ or travel

Full time student - Students must have a minimum of 18 credit units the previous year 

Merit - Your average and/or achievements

Scholarship - Awards based on academic achievement  

Special terms awards - These are the awards  require further documentation

Terms of reference - The legal document governing how the awards are given out, as determined by the person providing the funding for that award

Transfer - Students entering the college from another college or post-secondary institution