Top 3 choices will recieve $100!

Photo contest for all registered participants (speakers, poster presenters, and attendees alike)! All photos should depict research or work activities related to agriculture (i.e. soils and crops).

  1. To qualify for entry to the contest, images must:
    1. Be high-resolution digital image files in PNG or JPG format;
    2. Be at least 3130 pixels (26.5cm at 300ppi);
    3. Be accompanied by a title and plain language description of what is depicted in the image (120 words, maximum of 900 characters);
    4. Be accompanied by a completed Submission and Waiver Form(electronic signatures are acceptable) (waiver forms are located below and can be returned along with your photo submission).
    5. Not depict any of the following:
      • Offensive language or symbols;
      • Illegal or inappropriate activity;
      • Information that could identify any individual;
      • Nudity and/or sexual behaviour;
      • Advertisements or commercial messages;
      • Any identifiable trade-marks, brands, or logos; or
      • Any other content the University deems in its sole discretion to be objectionable or inappropriate.
  1. Please note that photos will appear, as received, in the digital version used for online voting. Photos will also be printed in a 5x7 format for in-person viewing.
  2. If any person appears in an image, all such persons must have provided their permission for the image to be submitted to the Contest.
  3. Entrants may submit one image. The submitted image must be owned by the entrant and entrant must hold the exclusive rights to distribute the image.
  4. Submissions will be accepted until Wednesday February 26th at midnight via the Soils and Crops Conference email: