Graduate Student Award Winners

(l. to r.) Kennedy Choo Foo, third place Oral presentation sponsored by Nutrien, Kalhari Manawisinghe, second place Oral presentation sponsored by Nutrien, Amanda Mitchell, first place Oral presentation sponsored by Nutrien, Fernando Guerrero Zurita, University of Alberta, Graduate Student Travel Award sponsored by Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists, Jeremiah Odiketa, first place poster presentation sponsored by Nutrien, Kalhari Manawasinghe, second place poster presentation sponsored by Nutrien, Suma Ghosh, third place poster presentation sponsored by Nutrien
Quinn Hlus, third place Oral presentation sponsored by Nutrien, Blake Weiseth, second place Oral presentation sponsored by Nutrien, Meagen Reed, first place Oral presentation sponsored by Nutrien, Adam Fast, University of Alberta, Graduate Student Travel Award sponsored by Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists, Quinn Sturby, first place poster presentation sponsored by Nutrien, Elizabeth Berenik, second place poster presentation sponsored by Nutrien, Laura Carruthers, third place poster presentation sponsored by Nutrien
Oral Presentation Award Winners, sponsored by Nutrien


Alanna Orsak
University of Saskatchewan
1st place oral presentation
Meagen Reed
University of Saskatchewan
2nd place oral presentation
Piumi Gallage
University of Saskatchewan
3rd place oral presentation
Poster Presentation Award Winners, sponsored by Nutrien
gazali  chantel blake
Gazali Issah
University of Saskatchewan
1st place poster presentation
Chantel Chizen
University of Saskatchewan
2nd place poster presentation
Blake Weiseth
University of Saskatchewan
3rd place poster presentation



Oral Presentation Award Winners, sponsored by Nutrien
Gazalie IssahGazali Issah
University of Saskatchewan
1st place oral presentation
evan craineEvan Craine
Washington State University
2nd place oral presentation
Amanda Fedorchuk
University of Saskatchewan
3rd place oral presentation
Poster Presentation Award Winners, sponsored by Nutrien
Brady Goettl
North Dakota State University
1st place poster presentation
Alanna Orsak
University of Saskatchewan
2nd place poster presentation
Ehsan Zarrinabadi
University of Manitoba
3rd place poster presentation
(left photo) Sasha Loewen, from Montanna State University was the recipient of the 2020 Graduate Student Travel Award Sponsored by the Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists. In the top left photo, Sasha Loewen receives congratulations from Annette Horvath Communications & Operations Coordinator for the Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists. (right photo all award winners) Zayda Morales, 2nd place Oral Presentation winner, sponsored by Nutrien, Gursahib Singh 1st place Oral presenation winner sponsored by Nutrien, Sasha Loewen, Jesse Reimer, 1st place poster award winner sponsored by Nutrien, Jacqueline Toews 2nd place poster award winner sponsored by Nutrien, Olivia Otchere 3rd place poster award winner sponsored by Nutrien. (missing from photo: Dickson Tran 3rd place oral presentation award winner sponsored by Nutrien)
(left photo) Nicole Fox, an M.Sc. student from the University of Alberta was the recipient of the 2019 Graduate Student Travel Award Sponsored by the Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists. In the photo, Nicole Fox receives congratulations from John Spencer PAg, Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists. (right photo all award winners) Nicole Fox, Graduate Student Travel Award sponsored by Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists, Gazali Issah, third place Oral presentation sponsored by Morris Industries, Lindsey Rudd, second place Oral presentation sponsored by Morris Industries, Shanay Williams, first place Oral presentation sponsored by CropLife, Keiko Nabetani, first place poster presentation sponsored by Nutrien AgSolutions, Soudeh Farzadfar, second place poster presentation sponsored by Nutrien AgSolutions, Noabur Rahman, third place poster presentation sponsored by Nutrien AgSolutions.
(left photo) Yeukai Katanda, a Ph.D student from Trent University, Peterborough ON was the recipient of the 2018 Graduate Student Travel Award Sponsored by the Bourgault Industries. In the photo, 2018 Soils and Crops Chair Scott Anderson congratulates Yeukai Katanda on her award. (right photo - all award winners) Yeukia Katanda, Graduate Student Travel Award sponsored by Bourgault Industries, Rajib Podder, Third Place Oral Presentation award sponsored by Morris Industries, Stephen Froese, first place oral presentation award sponsored by CropLife Canada, Raul Avila, first place poster presentation award sponsored by Nutrien, Shanay Williams, second place poster presentation sponsored by Nutrien, Landon Sealey, third place poster presentation sponsored by Nutrien. Missing Annique Josuttes second place oral presentation award sponsored by Morris Industries
(left photo) Magda Rogalsky, a graduate student at the University of Manitoba was the recipient of the Graduate Student Travel Award. The award was sponsored by Bourgault Industries and allowed one graduate student from outside of Saskatchewan the opportunity to travel to Saskatoon to attend and present at the 2017 Soils and Crops competition. In the photo, Curtis De Gooijer of Bourgault Industries congratulates Magda Rogalsky. (right photo - all graduate student award winners) Graduate Student travel award winner: Magda Rogalsky (sponsored by Bourgault Industries) Third Place Oral Presentation award winner Ti Zhang (sponsored by Morris Industries) Second Place oral Presentation award winner Serena Klippenstein (sponsored by Morris Industries) First Place oral presentation award winner Kristen Kieta (sponsored by CropLife Canada) First Place poster presentation award winner Jeremy Kiss (sponsored by Agrium) Second Place poster presentation award winner Noabur Rahman (sponsored by Agrium) Third Place poster presentation award winner Stephen Froese (sponsored by Agrium)
(left photo) Sirajum Munira a graduate student at the University of Manitoba was the winner of the 2016 Graduate Student Travel Award. The award was sponsored by Bourgault Industries and allowed one graduate student from outside of Saskatchewan the opportunity to travel to Saskatoon to attend and present at the competition. In the photo, Surajim Munira is with Curtis De Gooijer of Bourgault Industries. (right photo, oral and poster award winners) Sirajum Munira, travel award winner sponsored by Bourgault Industries Moria Petruic, 3rd place poster presentation award sponsored by Agrium, Gurcharn Brar, 2nd place poster presentation award sponsored by Agrium Chukwudi Amadi, 1st place poster presentation award sponsored by Agrium Rajib Podder, 1st place oral presentation award sponsored by CropLife Robin Brown, 2nd place oral presentation award sponsored by Morris Industries Trisha Islam, 3rd place oral presentation award sponsored by Morris Industries Doug Fehr, representing sponsor CropLife Lyle Cowell, representing sponsor Agrium
The Graduate Student Travel Award allows for a graduate Student from outside of Saskatchewan the opportunity to attend and present their current research. In 2015, the conference celebrated its 50th year and offered two travel awards. In the left photo, pictured are Alireza Akhavan a student at the University of Alberta, was a recipient of a graduate student travel award sponsored by Proven Seed and Gustavo Bardella, a student at the University of Manitoba, was the recipient of a graduate student travel award sponsored by Bourgault Industries. (right photo, oral and poster award winners) Joseph Aidoo, 3rd place poster presentation award sponsored by Agrium, Andrea De Roo, 2nd place poster presentation award sponsored by Agrium Robin Brown, 1st place poster presentation award sponsored by Agrium Katherine Stanley, 1st place oral presentation award sponsored by CropLife Priyangi Edirisinghe, 2nd place oral presentation award sponsored by Morris Industries Alexis Adams, 3rd place oral presentation award sponsored by Morris Industries
(left photo) Yeukai Katanda, an MSc. student at the University of Manitoba, was the winner of the 2014 Graduate Student Travel Award. The award was sponsored by Bourgault Industries and allowed one graduate student from outside of Saskatchewan the opportunity to travel to Saskatoon to attend and present at the competition. In the photo Yeukai Katanda is with Gary Meier of Bourgault Industries. (right photo, oral and poster award winners) Back Row: Chen Chen, 3rd place poster presentation sponsored by Agrium Randy Ellis, Morris Industries Gary Meier, Bourgault Industries Michael Steckler, Croplife Ray Dowbenko, Agrium Front Row: Kris Novak, 3rd place oral presentation sponsored by Morris Industries Andrea DeRoo, 1st place oral presentation sponsored by Croplife Janell Rempel, 2nd place oral presentation sponsored by Morris Industries Yeukai Katanda, graduate student travel award winner Colleen Redlick, 1st place poster presentation sponsored by Agrium (missing; Chukwadi Amadi, 2nd place poster presentation sponsored by Agrium)
(left photo) Laryssa Grenkow, a graduate student in the Department of Soil Science at the University of Manitoba was the first winner of the Graduate Student Travel Award. The award was sponsored by Bourgault Industries and allowed one graduate student from outside of Saskatchewan the opportunity to travel to Saskatoon to attend and present at the 2013 Soils and Crops competition. In the photo, Laryssa Grenkow is with Gary Meier of Bourgault Industries. (right photo, oral and poster award winners) Laryssa Grenkow, 3rd place oral presentation, sponsored by Morris Industries, Colleen Redlick, 2nd place oral presentation, sponsored by Morris Industries Tom King, 1st place oral presentation, sponsored by CropLife, Gazali Issah, 1st place poster presentation, sponsored by Agrium, Mikrigul Rehmut, 2nd place poster presentation, sponsored by Agrium, Sarah Kuzmicz, 3rd place poster presentation, sponsored by Agrium
2012 graduate student presentation winners (left) Tom King, 3rd place oral paper presentation sponsored by Morris Industries Morgan Sather, 2nd place oral paper presentation sponsored by Morris Industries (missing) Chao (Tony) Yang, 1st place oral paper presentation sponsored by CropLife Canada, Saskatchewan Council Arun Shunmugam, 1st place poster presentation sponsored by Agrium Ryan Hangs, 2nd place poster presentation sponsored by Morris Industries Rakhi Palit, 3rd place poster presentation sponsored by Morris Industries
(left) Jocelyn Stefankiw, 3rd place oral paper presentation sponsored by Morris Industries Melissa Arcand, 2nd place oral paper presentation sponsored by Morris Industries Ryan Hangs, 1st place oral paper presentation sponsored by CropLife Canada, Saskatchewan Council Dilshan Benaragama, 1st place poster presentation sponsored by Agrium Morgan Sather, 2nd place poster presentation sponsored by Morris Industries Yong Liu, 3rd place poster presentation sponsored by Morris Industries
(left photo) Glen Hass(r.) of CropLife Canada presents the 2008 Most Outstanding Graduate Student Oral Presentation Award to Nicole Seerey for her presentation entitled Influence of Genotype on Volunteer Brassica napus Ferality. The award is sponsored by Sask Council CropLife Canada (right photo) Gary Kruger (r.) presents the 2008 Most Outstanding Graduate Student Poster Award to Atul Nayyer for his poster entitled Grazing of Mycorrhizal fungal Species on organic Matter improves Nitrogen nutrition in Prairie Grasses. The award is sponsored by Dow AgroSciences
(left) Glen Hass of Sask Council CropLife Canada (l.) presents Ryan Hangs with the 2007 Most Outstanding Student Oral Presentation Award for his presentation entitled Determining Soil Nutrient Requirements for Growing Hybrid Poplar. (right) Rosalind Bueckert (l.) presents the 2007 Most Outstanding Graduate Student Poster Award to Giselle Camm for her poster entitled Grain Hardness in Barley. The award is sponsored by Dow AgroScience

Soils and Crops Conference Scholarship

In 2024, the organizing committee of the annual Soils and Crops Conference established a sholarship open to eligible graduate students attending the University of Saskatchewan.  

With an emphasis on agronomy, the annual Soils and Crops Conference provides a platform for research scientists, faculty, and graduate students to share outcomes from their latest research activities in the disciplinary areas of soils, crops, and economics. This award was established to recognize one graduate student each year who is pursuing research related to the conference’s theme.

Daphnee Ferland is the first recipient of the
Soils and Crops Conference Scholarship.
(above AgBio Dean Angela Bedard-Haughn
presents Daphnee with her award)