Crepis atribarba
A record from the past, this specimen of Crepis atribarba, a very rare plant for SK, collected in June 1894 in the Cypress Hills region. Thanks to the National Herbarium of Canada at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa for the image. (CAN 112184)
Commonly called slender or dark hawksbeard, Crepis atribarba has a Canadian habitat range from British Columbia to Saskatchewan. The species is locally ranked as an "S2" plant on the Saskatchewan conservation ranking, meaning it is considered very rare for the province. This specimen is the oldest surviving record for the province and currently resides in the National Herbarium of Canada at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa as voucher specimen CAN 112184. Thanks to the help of the National herbarium for supplying us with this great image. This plant was originally found on the slopes of a coulee in the Cypress Hills region of the province in June of 1894. Other records of this species in the SASK herbarium continue to be from the Cypress Hills and Val Marie area. The distinctive slender elongate leaf divisions with a pinnate (feather-like) arrangement, help to differentiate this species from the other more common members of the Crepis genus.
Thanks to the National Herbarium of Canada at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa for the image.