The Yellow Immaculate Lily
The Yellow Immaculate Lily is an extremely rare form of our provincial floral emblem. This specimen comes with a 10-year journal about a small population near Carlyle, SK.
The Yellow Immaculate Lily is an extremely rare form of our provincial floral emblem. This specimen comes with a 10-year journal about a small population near Carlyle, SK.
A record from the past, this specimen of Crepis atribarba, a very rare plant for SK, collected in June 1894 in the Cypress Hills region. Thanks to the National Herbarium of Canada at the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa for the image. (CAN 112184)
Meet Potentilla hudsonii, a new species for the province, named in 2018 by Dr. Barbara Errter, originally collected in 1969 by John Hudson north of Langham.